Thursday, June 21, 2007

Oh No! Oh My!

"The Party Punch"

With a somewhat overlooked eponymous debut album under their belts, Texas trio Oh No! Oh My! decide to look towards their old material to get a little recognition. The songs on the “new” EP, having been recorded under a previous incarnation by the name of The Jolly Rogers, have been around since before their debut as Oh No! Oh My! I must admit to being a little disappointed last year after purchasing their self-released album without any of the songs from The Jolly Rogers Demo having made the cut, which is why I was excited to hear that “The Party Punch” would finally see a physical release on the Between the Devil and the Sea EP (8/7). Most bands probably hate being called twee, but “The Party Punch” is the sort of swingin’ acoustic ditty you’d easily associate with the genre. Full of joyous handclaps and (forgive me for this one) gleeful guitar lines, the song is sure to inspire happy head-nods. Just go with it.

Download >>The Party Punch

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